Monday, July 26, 2010

Biome: Notes

Biome: Landscape Thumbnail 3

Biome: Landscape Thumbnail 2

Biome: Landscape Thumbnail 1

Biome: Landscape Picture 3

Biome: Landscape Picture 2

Biome: Landscape Picture 1

Biome: Cactus 2 Thumbnail

Biome: Brittle Bush Thumbnail

Biome: Cactus Thumbnail

Biome: Cactus 2 Picture

Biome: Brittle Bush Picture

Biome: Cactus Picture

Biome: Thumbnail 3

Biome: Sky Thumbnail 2

Biome: Sky Thumbnail 1

Biome: Sky Picture 3

Biome: Sky Picture 2

Biome: Sky Picture 1

Biome: Thorny Devil Picture

Biome: Thorny Devil Thumbnail Sketch

Biome: Turtle Thumbnail Sketch

Biome: Camel Thumbnail Sketch

Biome: Turtle Picture

Biome: Camel Picture

Biome: Arial View

Biome: Side View

Biome: Cactus

Biome: Turtle

Biome: Camel

Biome: Snake


Biome: Drawing Outline

Biome: Bursage

Biome: Flower

Biome: Sun

Biome: Right Side

Biome: Left Side

Biome: Collection of Paste Paper

Biome: 6th Page (back)

Biome: 5th Page

Biome: 4th Page

Biome: Third Page

Biome: Secound Page

Biome: First Page

Illustration Friday:Breakfast

For my illustration Friday I decided to cook french toast and take a picture of it. I decided to make french toast because I love it and thought it'd work perfect for my illustration friday.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


This is my photocollage. I used a guitar because I love playing the guitar and any kind of music so it really represents me. Now this is an older les paul and I like the black and white picture in it because it adds an older look to the guitar.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Illustration Friday: Diary

For my illustration friday I decided to implicate my whole journal as a part of the illusration. I used the spirals on the side like a diary would have and drew lines like it would have as well. I wrote Dear Diary at the top like most diaries start out. I also implicated myself and a pen as if I were writing in the diary.

Color and Space

For this picture I put the warm colors at the top of the page because hot air rises and I placed the cool colors at the bottom because cold air sinks. The contrast of hot and cool colors within the triangles make them pop.

Still Life Final